Most of us are experiencing enhanced fears, worries, and stress during this unprecedented and unpredictable time in our world.
Many of us are wrapping up “distance learning” with our children, are unable to see loved ones, are waiting to find out the status of employment, are struggling to work from home, or have been financially impacted by the virus crisis.
While managing your mental health is always crucial, it’s especially important to take care of yourself physically and mentally right now.

Here are 6 tips to help you manage during this time:
- Connect with others. Even though life routines have changed and we feel more “social distance”, make an effort to connect with people in different ways. Set a weekly recurring Zoom meeting with family or friends, make daily phone calls to check-in on those you care about, send a text or email, or write an old-fashioned letter and stick it in the mailbox to surprise a loved one. You will feel brighter not just by speaking with others, but through acts that you know will brighten someone else’s day.
- Limit alcohol intake. While alcohol may feel like a reasonable go-to solution to ease anxiety while you are stuck in the house, alcohol can ultimately amplify feelings of sadness, worry, or even anger. You will be much more clear-headed and equipped to manage the day-to-day stressors without alcohol in your system. If you are having trouble sleeping or relaxing, try natural teas, meditation, or speak to your medication provider about other options.
- Make time to relax. It’s important to figure out methods that work for you that help you relax and decrease anxiety. For some, that may be meditation or yoga and for others it might be journaling or sitting outside and reading a good book. Think about the activities that make you feel relaxed and bring you a sense of comfort and block off an hour daily to honor this time.
- Avoid inundating yourself with news coverage. Too much information and/or inaccurate information can enhance feelings of anxiety and fear. While it’s important to understand what is going on in the world from day to day, try to limit your exposure to non-stop news coverage via television or online. In addition, social media can feed into people’s fears, communicate false information, and instigate arguments. Limiting your time spent with these modes of communication can help control unneeded feelings of worry.
- Speak with a Mental Health professional. While day-to-day routines have slowed down or changed from the norm, use this time to treat yourself to some extra support. Most local providers are currently offering telemedicine options for appointments from the safety and comfort of your own home. Masks and extra sanitation procedures in offices are also making it possible to be seen in person.
- Utilize Local Resources for help and support.
- United Way 2-1-1- 24/7 free and confidential support to connect you to the right community or government organization for help.
- FamilyWize prescription discounts. CVS and Walgreens are providing free delivery of prescriptions.
- Pathfinders is providing employment, transportation, and financial assistance/coaching.
- Texas Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-252-5400 for concerns regarding the treatment of any child during this stressful time for parents and caregivers.
- Tarrant Area Food Bank to help families find a food pantry or food options.
- United Way’s Area Agency on Aging provides support to Senior Citizens.
Visit United Way of Tarrant County for many additional resources.
If the safety of yourself or someone else is at immediate risk, please call 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Room.