Do you offer self-pay options for clients who do not have insurance?
Yes, we offer self-pay options for clients who do not have insurance.
I need a Superbill or specific receipt from a recent visit for my insurance or for my personal records. How do I obtain this?
You may email and we will send you this information
Money was taken out of my account following a visit. What was this?
Per the Carencia Financial Agreement, any visit copays, coinsurance, deductibles, self-pay amounts, or late cancellation/no-show fees that were not collected at the time of the visit, will be collected via your card on file, typically within 24-48 hours following your visit.
I have an outstanding balance that I cannot pay all at once. What options are available to me?
If you have an outstanding balance that needs to be paid prior to your next visit, you may work with Carencia Billing on setting up a formal payment plan. Payment plans allow you to make monthly payments for a limited period of time in order to make your outstanding balance more manageable. All future visits […]
I need to update my credit card that Carencia has on file. How do I do this?
You may email and someone will connect with you to securely collect your new information.
What happens if I cannot pay my large outstanding balance with a payment plan or I cannot pay for my visits at the time of the visit?
Carencia Billing and your Carencia Provider will work together with you to help smoothly transition your care to a provider or option outside of Carencia that is more financially manageable for you.